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“My Baby Girl Just Won the Lottery! That’s the Winning Ticket in Her Hand!”

This revelation of Jesus’ breathless excitement over me came from another question we asked Him in our Spirit Life Circle listening prayer small group, and the answer I received in my own two-way journaling about it. Enjoy!

Question: “The Joy of the Lord is My Strength” (Nehemiah 8:10)–Lord, how does this apply to what’s happening in my life now?

Answer: “My darling, this is talking about My joy in you, My rejoicing over you with singing, as in Zephaniah 3:17:

“On that day
they will say to Jerusalem,
‘Do not fear, Zion;
do not let your hands hang limp.
The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.’ ”

I am inviting you to ask a new question that you rarely think about: What is making Jesus happy right now? What is Jesus feeling and thinking about me? What is Jesus’ joy about me in this situation?

My perspective sees so much farther than yours, and My joy is based on that. I see you a billion years from now, rejoicing in My presence. Seeing that makes your present struggles and trials seem so, so small, small like the small piece of hair you clean out of the shower and drop into the toilet and flush and go on with your day.

I also see the reward for which you are struggling now. If you saw what I see, you would not be able to suppress or contain your joy in your present trials. You would be jumping up and down and screaming with joy and excitement every time you suffer, just like people on TV who have won the lottery, because you would know you have just won a reward and prize bigger than the lottery for suffering for Me.

Any form of suffering or pain is your winning lottery ticket. You turn that ticket in for the million dollars. You don’t worry about the color or size of the ticket or compare it to other people’s; you just turn it in for the win.

I don’t tell you to rejoice in your trials (Romans 5:3) or count it all joy when you suffer (James 1:2) or consider the present suffering not worth comparing to the GLORY to be revealed to you and in you and for you and in spite of you (Romans 8:18) because I like pain, either yours or Mine, but because I’m bigger and older and smarter than you and I know that that is not a mere piece of paper you are holding in your little baby hand, it is the winning lottery ticket that the whole world is looking for, like the golden ticket in the Willy Wonka book.

And that is why I am down on one knee saying gently, ‘Can you give Daddy the ticket? Can you give Daddy the piece of paper? That’s right, that’s a good girl, give Daddy the piece of paper, good girl,’ because you are a baby and you don’t understand and you might rip it or eat it. And I don’t want to scare you with too loud of an expression of My emotions, but inside I’m ready to start leaping around the room and yelling at the top of My voice ‘MY BABY GIRL JUST WON THE LOTTERY!!! THAT’S THE WINNING TICKET THERE IN HER HAND! WE’RE GOING TO BE RICH FOREVER!!!”

And there is always that feeling going on in the background of My mind when you are suffering, even as I am so gentle with you in your present pain and even weep with and for you, because I have seen the reward. I am willing to share in your emotions with you, to weep when you weep, to enter in and fully understand, but I also want you to know that you are always welcome and invited to come and enter in and feel My emotions with Me too. That is always open and available to you.

When you need strength to endure and keep going through earthly toils and trials, you can ask Me, ‘Jesus, would You share some of Your feelings with me right now? Some of Your joy, to be my strength? Some of your perspective? Would you show me the winning lottery ticket in my present pain?’ and I will, and My joy will be your strength. Do not be afraid. You are safe. And I love you.”

Grab a paper and pen, pick one (or more) of the many questions-to-ask-Jesus in this journal entry, and start a conversation with Him:

Lord Jesus, what is making You happy right now?
What are You feeling and thinking about me?
What is Your joy about me in my current situation?
Jesus, would You share some of Your feelings with me right now?
Would You share some of Your joy with me to be my strength?
Would You show me some of your perspective on my life right now?
Would You show me the “winning lottery ticket” in my present pain?’

Published in2-Way JournalingSharing journaling from my "Spirit-Life Circle" small group

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