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Why Job’s Friends Could Not Walk In Miracles

Lord, how do I see Your power released and working in my life?

When we asked this question in our Spirit Life Circle listening prayer small group, this is the answer that I journaled:

“You see My power released and working through your life as My compassion flows through you. When you feel My heart for people in their pain, suffering, sin, and lostness, and do not shrink back from it but let yourself feel it, My power starts to flow.

When you honor those people instead of judging them, My power flows even further and faster. Judging people and blaming them for their pain will cut off the flow of My compassion in you, and cut off the power that it carries. You cannot heal anyone when you are judging them. That is why I said, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven’ BEFORE I said ‘stand up and take up your bed and walk.’ As the Son of God, I actually have and had the authority to judge him for his sins, but I released him from that judgment. As a fellow sinner saved by grace, you do NOT have the authority to judge your fellow human beings for their sins, and so how much more should you release people from any judgment you might make against them, and repent of that judgment?

My power flows through you when you do not attempt to put up any barrier between yourself and another person’s pain, any self-protective judgments to keep yourself from thinking it could happen to you. That is what Job’s friends did wrong. They were afraid to imagine that they lived in a world where bad things could happen to good people, where suffering could not be prevented or controlled by making right choices, and where everything that happened to Job could just as easily have happened to them. They needed to believe that Job had done something wrong that made him suffer so. Because if Job had done nothing wrong (which he hadn’t) and it wasn’t his fault (which it wasn’t), then it could have happened to anyone (which it obviously could have, since Job was the most righteous man on earth at the time and I still chose to allow Satan to bring a certain amount of undeserved pain and suffering into his life to display My glory in a deeper way through his process and journey with Me).

I write stories in people’s lives, and usually they contribute many sins to their stories. But whether there is NO link between their sin and their suffering, as with Job’s case, or TONS of link between their sin and their suffering, as may well have been the case with the paralyzed man or Mary Magdalene and her seven demons, you just don’t know, I need you to break that link in your heart. Because once you break it in your heart, you can break it in their lives. If they have sinned, they need My forgiveness, and then My healing can begin to flow to their pain. If they have not sinned, then all the more they need to not be blamed for their suffering. But either way, they need the link between their sin and their suffering to be broken. And when you judge them, you create a link between their suffering and some sin you think they must have committed, something they must have done wrong, whether or not it is true. But I don’t think like that. I just save people.

It is very, very tempting to judge people for their pain, to think that surely someone who is homeless, or addicted, or demonized, or sexually abused, or trafficked, or divorced, or mentally ill, or a drug dealer, or trapped in domestic violence, must have done something wrong that you did not do wrong in order to end up in that place. But it isn’t true. And you don’t need to believe that lie in order to protect yourself. You are where you are not because you are better than anyone else on the earth, but because I have saved you and am saving you and will save you. And when you believe that with your whole heart, My healing will flow through your hands.

You are not saved by faith but by grace through faith. You are healed by grace too. Faith is just the channel through which that grace flows. But the healing and salvation both do not come as a reward to be earned by having enough faith. They come by grace. When you believe that, you will be free, and you can minister that freedom to others.”


Published in2-Way JournalingSharing journaling from my "Spirit-Life Circle" small group

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